Class AutomateIt::AddressManager
In: lib/automateit/address_manager.rb
Parent: AutomateIt::Plugin::Manager


The AddressManager provides a way to query, add and remove network addresses on a host.


add   addresses   has?   hostnames   hostnames_for   interfaces   remove  


DEFAULT_ANNOUNCEMENTS = 3   Number of ARP announcements to make by default during add.

Public Instance methods

Add address to host if it doesn‘t have it. Requires root-level access. Returns true if action was taken and succeeded.

Arguments hash must include either a :device (e.g., "eth0") or :address (e.g., ""), and an optional :label (e.g., "foo") and :mask (e.g. "24").

An optional number of ARP :announcements may be specified, defaulting to AutomateIt::AddressManager::DEFAULT_ANNOUNCEMENTS. Drivers that handle announcements will block an extra second while making each announcement.


  add(:address => "", :mask => 24, :device => "eth0",
    :label => "foo", :announcements => 3)


# File lib/automateit/address_manager.rb, line 38
  def add(opts) dispatch(opts) end

Array of addresses for this host. Example:

  => ["", ""]


# File lib/automateit/address_manager.rb, line 58
  def addresses() dispatch() end

Does host have an address or interface? Arguments hash must include either a :device (e.g., "eth0") or :address (e.g., ""), and an optional :label (e.g., "foo"). Note that an interface is the combination of a :device and :label, so "eth0" isn‘t the same as "eth0:foo".

Examples on a host with address "" on interface "eth0:foo":

  has?(:address => "")
  => true
  has?(:address => "", :device => "eth0")
  => false
  has?(:address => "", :device => "eth0", :label => "foo")
  => true
  has?(:device => "eth0")
  => false
  has?(:device => "eth0", :label => "foo")
  => true


# File lib/automateit/address_manager.rb, line 22
  def has?(opts) dispatch(opts) end

Array of hostnames for this host, including variants by trying to resolve names for all addresses owned by this host. Example:

  => ["kagami", "kagami.lucky-channel", ""]


# File lib/automateit/address_manager.rb, line 69
  def hostnames() dispatch() end

Array of hostname variants for this hostname. This method performs no name resolution and simply infers a less qualified name from a more qualified hostname argument. Example:

  => ["kagami", "kagami.lucky-channel"]
  => ["kagami"]


# File lib/automateit/address_manager.rb, line 78
  def hostnames_for(hostname) dispatch(hostname) end

Array of interfaces for this host. Example:

  => ["eth0", "lo"]


# File lib/automateit/address_manager.rb, line 63
  def interfaces() dispatch() end

Remove address from host if it has it. Requires root-level access. Returns true if action was taken and succeeded.

Arguments hash must include either a :device (e.g., "eth0") or :address (e.g., ""), and an optional :label (e.g., "foo") and :mask (e.g. "24").


  remove(:address => "", :mask => 24, :device => "eth0",
    :label => "foo")


# File lib/automateit/address_manager.rb, line 53
  def remove(opts) dispatch(opts) end
